What are Clear Aligners?
Clear Aligners are the virtually invisible and hygienic alternative to braces. Clear Aligners use a series of custom-made, clear, removable aligners that gradually move teeth towards the desired position.
What are the primary benefits of Clear Aligners?
Nearly invisible - you can straighten your teeth without anyone knowing
Removable - you eat and drink what you want, and brush and floss normally
Comfortable - no metal brackets or wires to cause mouth irritation
Virtual treatment plan before you start - so you can see how your straight teeth will look when your treatment is complete.
Can everyone have Clear Aligners?
Most people with all their adult teeth can have Clear Aligners. The most common people who get Clear Aligners are adults who have always wanted straighter teeth but don’t want the look of braces.
Do Clear Aligners work as well as normal braces?
Clear Aligners have proven to be as effective at straightening teeth as traditional braces. Patients with severe crowding or bite problems may require interdisciplinary treatments in which Clear Aligners are used in combination with other teeth straightening techniques, or be more suitable for traditional techniques for all of their treatment.
How do Clear Aligners actually work?
Clear Aligners use 3D computer imaging technology to show the complete treatment plan from the initial position to the final desired position from which a series of custom-made ‘‘aligners’’ are produced. Each aligner moves teeth and is worn for about two weeks, then replaced by the next in the series until the final desired position is achieved.
Some teeth need some extra help, so “buttons” made out of white filling material are placed on the teeth so the aligners push in the right direction. The number and position of the buttons depends on the movements needed.
A patient with buttons attached to teeth and aligners on top
How long will treatment take?
The length of treatment is dependent on the severity of each individual patient’s orthodontic issues. A Level 1 case usually takes about 6 months, and Level 2 or 3 cases can extend to 12 months or more. This relies on you wearing your aligners 22 hours a day, every single day.
How long will it take to begin treatment after the initial consultation?
After or during the initial consultation, your treating orthodontist or dentist will need to take x-rays, photos and moulds of your teeth. These records will be sent to the dental lab to be used to manufacture your custom made aligners. This process will take approximately 3-4 weeks.
How often must I see the dentist?
Your dentist will schedule regular appointments -- usually about once every four to six weeks. This is the only way your dentist can be sure that the treatment is progressing as planned.
Are there restrictions on what I can eat while in treatment?
No. Unlike traditional orthodontics, you can usually eat whatever you desire while in treatment because you remove your aligners to eat and drink. It is important however that you brush your teeth after each meal and prior to reinserting your aligners to maintain proper hygiene.
How much do Clear Aligners cost?
Clear Aligners are a premium product compared to traditional braces. It uses state of the art technology to create a series of customised aligners for each patient and has significant patient benefits. The cost of treatment is based upon the complexity of treatment required, your specific goals, how long you are in treatment for and the schedule of fees charged.
Does insurance cover Clear Aligners?
If your insurance policy has orthodontic coverage, Clear Aligners should be covered to a similar extent as conventional braces as Clear Aligners are normally prescribed for a full course of orthodontic treatment. However, as medical benefits differ significantly from policy to policy, each patient should check with their health fund.
Can I claim any rebate on Clear Aligners treatment?
Yes. There is a government rebate that is available to taxpayer’s whose eligible net medical expenses in the year of income exceed a certain level. The rebate is claimed when the patient lodges their annual income tax return. However there have been changes to this program in the recent budget. Speak to your accountant or consult the Australian Tax Office for advice on the level of rebate you are eligible for.
Do Clear Aligners have a guarantee?
Clear Aligners is as effective at straightening teeth as traditional methods of orthodontics but largely depends upon a patient’s biology and compliance with treatment. As such, Clear Aligners cannot guarantee that a patient’s teeth will move exactly as predicted. If necessary, additional treatment with Clear Aligners or other forms may be needed.
Do orthodontists and dentists need special training in order to use Clear Aligners?
Specific training is needed. All orthodontists and dentists interested in treating patients with Clear Aligners must attend a comprehensive training course.